Saturday, 10 December 2022

A Less Adventurous Life

Can it have been so long since my last post?  Well, yes and we all know why.  I did find my way to Adelaide earlier this year, so I have no real excuses for not writing up my textile finds.  I have however, recently done a review of sorts, looking for the gaps in my humble textile observations, so there is hope for a few photos and notes in the offing – most likely after the Christmas Rush.  School holidays are about to start soon too and it’s a long summer break.  So, the lethargy may continue for a little while longer and it might be time to sit under a shady tree and read a book or three. 

I will say that I’ve also done a bit of a make-over on this blog's inner workings (design), so hopefully it’s easier to read and the photos a better size.  Also, I’ve been sorting and organising my photos, a job that was desperately needed.  I’ll write a bit about that soon – it promises to be a bit of a moan anyway, as the learning curve was steep and the youtube videos to watch rather numerous. 

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, a prosperous New Year and time for lots and lots of stitching/researching textiles.

Graphic courtesy Graphics Fairy