Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Additional Insight

While on the topic of visionary artists, and I’m not sure if he fits that “category” but have you seen the textile art of Jimmy McBride?  I picked up a copy of Quilters Newsletter Magazine to catch up on my fibre arts fix, and there in issue # 423 (Aug/Sep 2011) was a 4 page spread on Jimmy’s work.  Like Von Bruenchenhein, he works in a science fiction narrative but in this case develops quilts using reclaimed textiles.  What I have found particularly inspiring is that he works in series.  You can clearly see how his ideas have developed and grown; how he has experimented with various techniques to effect and made ready-made fabrics look like they've been taken from a palette of oils.  So, spend some time browsing Jimmy McBride’s inspirational quilts over on his web site and be prepared to learn….. 

Find insight into his creative process on his blog and enjoy the quilting narrative.  I like the idea of stepping outside of yourself and having a storyline to help focus your creative endeavours.  His other sewing projects include a few clothes – shirts and jeans.  So good to see the art of home “dressmaking” as my grannie called it, is surviving and looking good against an overabundance of cheap Chinese imports.  When you’re done, you can see more of Jimmy’s quilts on etsy

While we’re on a theme – how about these outa spacey fabrics from Sew Materialistic in Brooklyn!  Is there something going on in Brooklyn we don’t know about?