Saturday, 6 December 2008

Back in the Saddle

Now where did that old saying come from?  Anyway, I don't really want to know as we're back into those renovations again after an all too brief interlude in the Caribbean.  Yes, it was nice.  Yes, it took our minds off flooring, paint samples and my furniture graveyard (those bits and pieces you collect over the years to restore...).  It's a bit like those UFO quilts really.  Yes, my garden shed is up and running, with potential to be a working studio, one day.  And no, quilt finishing fairies do not exist, especially not in your garden shed! 

I certainly needed this little read (Art & fear) after my most recent course.  My personal outcomes were 1. failure to complete set homework; 2. inability to generate many fresh ideas and 3. a general lack of, well, most everything really.  Where to from here?  I'll let you know when I've digested the book - figuratively speaking, of course! 
Roll on 2009.....