Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Out the door again

The house is a hive of activity today. We are off again!  This time down memory lane; first to KL and then on to Viet Nam for more than 3 weeks.  Not enough time to get to everything before we leave but at least the camera was repaired in time - just!  So I have great expectations.

I am not expecting to have too much time to email whilst we are away. Better to be doing it, that is, travelling, rather than sitting at a computer in a cafe or hotel room, wouldn't you say?  Learnt that lesson flying over Everest.  Too busy taking photos, which in the end turned out rather badly, and then didn't have any time left to take "the experience" all in.  Also some things, unless you are an expert photographer, can never be duplicated on simple 5x7's. Especially when they're taken through an aeroplane window.....

My poor Khan has also packed his bags today to go and live with his new family.  He deserves to have a full-time family and I can't always take him with me whenever we go away.  Besides, animal quarantine is never a guaranteed solution.  The places we travel and the experience of being separated for long periods would take its toll on both of us.  I should have taught him how to send emails!!

I'm going to attempt to limit myself to six reports - six of the best so they say - on any particular area/country/town  visited. This challenge should encourage brevity and better photo inclusions. Please do not use my photos or words. 

(Five years later and I'm still working on the brevity bit. Ha....  Ed)